my work

Sunday, 24 May 2015

School photography

Every year i get alot of people coming to me complaining about the school photographers, so i decided to approach my son's nursery to offer my services, i thought i can do a better job.
Comments i have been told are hair is a mess,  fake smiles or no smile at all, faces are dirty and just not good at all.
I was armed with baby wipes, a comb, hair grips and a spray bottle and i amazing assistant.
the bottle was magic fairy dust and pixie spray ( a bottle of water) which my assistant used to entertain the kids with and to sort hair out and i was amazed it worked a treat.
We interacted with every child and made them feel comfortable with what was happening.
Every child is not going to want to smile for you but about 98% did for me and every child was clean and tidy. I made the proof cards very simple to understand and order, also got rid of all the things people do not want in there packs.

here is an example of one of the photos. meet ethan my son.

It was a very long day which i spent most of it sitting on the floor at the children's level but i feel very proud of myself with the results, we did single shots, siblings and class shots in one day and the proof went out just over a week later.
I am looking to take more nurseries on in the future to provide natural first school photos for every parent.

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