my work

Friday, 19 June 2015

The Life Of A Photographer !!!!!

My life is busy, hectic and long long days.
When the sun is out and your all enjoying it with your family most of the time i am sitting in front of my computer editing for all my clients. It is very rare that i actually get a day off just to chill out, i have 3 children which take up alot of my time too.

an example image and what prep goes into it.
This image took 30 minutes prior to set the backdrop up and lights ready for the shoot.
approx 1hour 30 minutes to paint the bump with a professional body artist Kismit Street Body Painting.
I also travel 30 minutes to get to my studio and 30 minutes home.
1 hour organising the poses and talking lexie to want to be apart of it she was a bit fed up of all the waiting bless her.
Then i have to tidy up ready for the next client.
Once i am home i put my images into the computer then i edit each one and size as i feel fit, then i organise them into a private viewing gallery for the client to view and pick their images.
when they are ready to order i have to organise all the selected images and order them from my lab and then wait delivery, then i have to pack the images and deliver to my customer.

so if you add all the time up what i charge for a session is not alot at all really considering i am working for hours every time i have a photo shoot.

I also have to fit family time in with my children for all the things mothers do which includes the up keep of my home, the washing and cleaning and shopping and homework etc.

I very rarely get time to myself to do what ever i want with, I love my job and i will always put 100% into every shoot i do, i would just like for everyone to remember we as photographers are only human and we do not live lavish lifestyles like you may think. At the end of the day i am a working mother with her own business not like a 9 to 5 job where once your home you can switch off coz i can not do this.

So the next time you think it is too expensive think about how many hours your photographer is putting in just for you and please appreciate there talent.

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